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“More than any Priest or lay person I have listened to, Bart Schuchts has the gift to speak to the sleeping giant that lay dormant within the heart of men and women to roar like a lion." Fr Paul, Washington
“Bart Schuchts is one of the most dynamic and compelling speakers in the Church today, not merely as a teacher, but as a powerful witness of how the struggles, joys and victories of Christ look in the life of a Christian.... I invited him to be the main speaker at our Diocese Men's Conference (1,500+ men). I am always struck by Bart's genuine vulnerability in describing his own continuous conversion in a personal way, particularly regarding relationships, because it enables his listener to open himself up to the very real experiential love of God the Father. Bart not only inspires his audience, but through his uniquely gifted means of expression draws his audience in to encounter Christ (specifically His healing grace), and thereby form an open disposition ready to receive and manifest the reality, gifts and power of the Holy Spirit in a fresh and transformative way." -- Rory Clark, Lansing Diocese Men’s event
"Bart Schuchts brings the strength and gentleness of the Holy Spirit in a way that is both challenging and approachable. As the keynote for our diocesan men's conference, he brought and carried the presence of the 'Heavenly Papa' that left the men wanting more! I would recommend him to any group wanting more of what God has for all of us." -- Fr. Mark, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
"I attended a Day of Equipping with Bart Schuchts last year and was inspired by his talks and the participation of the whole group. It helped me live more fully into my calling as a priest, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform me and guide me in everything." -- Fr Burke, Chicago Cubs chaplain
“Among the greatest gifts God has given me after my ordination to the priesthood was my introduction to the JPII Healing Center. The insights, teaching, and workshops that were part of my retreat had a transformational effect on me. God’s healing grace has made me a better man, Christian, and priest. Bart’s spirit-led facilitation on my retreat, and later at my parish, equipped me (and my parishioners) for ministry in the Spirit. Bart's candor, humility, and openness to the Spirit combine in ways that encourage, challenge, and empower." -- Fr Steve, Pastor, Lansing, MI
"Bart’s passion for the Father and for the Church are contagious. He helped me understand better that as a man, and especially as a priest, I’m called to fight alongside the Lord for His Bride, the Church. And that as a beloved son of the Father, I’ve not received a spirit of cowardice, but a spirit of divine power." -- Fr Andrew, Pastor, Salina, KS
“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled" ( Lk 12:49). Jesus longs for our hearts and our Church to be ablaze with the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit. Bart’s conferences and workshops fire up and equip all listeners to embrace our Lord’s desire and make it a way of life, especially in today’s challenging world." -- Fr Carlos, Legionnaire Superior, Mexico City, Mexico
"I first met Bart at a retreat in Campbell, CA. It is safe to say that he had an immediate impact on me. His willingness to share his faith journey with all its twists and turns with a group of men he had never met before was truly inspiring to me. His quick wit coupled with a genuine love for the Lord will touch the heart and soul of any man seeking to know and better understand the love of the Father. Please allow yourself the time you need to become a man on fire for the Lord. It will not just change you. It will change everyone around you." -- Fr Walter, Pastor, Omaha, NE
"Bart has a unique ability to connect people into the Heart of Jesus. He has been an important part of my journey both personally and as a catalyst for my parish to move deeper in the Lord. I am so thankful for Bart’s gifts and his enthusiastic love of the Lord, which is so very evident in his life in the Spirit and in his ministry to the Lord’s people." -- Fr Brad, Pastor, Seattle WA
"One of the marks of holiness in the Bible is called parrhesÃa: a passionate boldness to speak out on behalf of the glory of Jesus. Bart Schuchts has that boldness. His way of announcing the Good News is like a spiritual bear hug: embracing, and full of love. I know, because I have received that spiritual bear hug from him... Often I struggle with the courage to "be all that I can be", as the old Army commercial urged. But when I’m with Bart, rather than just hearing a harsh mandate—Do it!—I feel encouraged because he affirms my own strength." -- Fr. Christopher, Pastor, Lincoln, NE
"I’ve personally been extremely blessed by the personal ministry of Bart Schuchts in my life and in my priesthood. I have received significant spiritual and physical healing from Bart's ministry and the JPII Healing Center. For me the parish events only make sense in conjunction with the ministry to priests and religious.... helping us priests to grow as authentic ministers of the Gospel by allowing the light of Jesus to shine through us more as we "get out of the way" allowing the Holy Spirit to shine through our own brokenness and longing. Having poured into the lives of hundreds of priests and seminarians, he is able to share with people the deep longing that the shepherds have for their flock. With the ministry team he is developing, he is also helping to mend fences, build bridges, and strengthen hearts. The prophetic singing of Mark and Lily was truly amazing. Most importantly Bart allowed my people and especially our prayer ministers to receive the healing of the Holy Spirit and be invited to a deeper journey to begin to hear the heart of the Father for his children and of Christ for His Bride. Thank you Bart for making 'God in Jesus' real for our people! This is the most effective way to make disciples of all nations!" -- Fr Mel, Pastor, Anacortes WA.
“Bart speaks with a mixture of strength, compassion, depth, and humor. When I'm with him, his energy encourages me and fires up my faith. His vulnerability and honesty help me feel safe. In my ministry as a priest, I often feel the pressure to figure things out on my own. The way Bart shares his trust in the Father has encouraged me to trust more in the Father's love and involvement in my life, as His son, and as He guides and protects my ministry." -- Fr Chad, Pastor, Seattle, WA
"Bart is a man after the heart of God. His ministry has greatly blessed my life, and especially my priesthood. As he shares his own testimony of healing and transformation in the Lord, one can't help but experience an awakening of their desire for more for the Church. If Christ has been given “all authority in heaven and on earth" and has shared this with us, why does the Church so often seem to be lacking this power? Bart's ministry is not afraid to engage this question and bring you into a greater unlocking of the gifts that the Lord has already given to boldly witness to His name to the nations." -- Fr Dan, Pastor, Lansing Diocese
"Bart has inspired me to seek after transformation in the heart of the Church. He speaks with passion and conviction and has given me hope for the future.... I feel as though I've been commissioned through Bart's preaching to go and be the change in the Church and in the world." -- Fr. Jim, Chaplain, Lansing Diocese
“Bart's 'Equipping' has helped my parish leaders to develop or deepen their relationship with the Holy Spirit. They better understand the gifts that God desires to awaken within them through a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Bart has a gift of helping people to come awake with the spiritual gifts that often are dormant in their hearts. I noticed how our parish seemed to more fully live out what the Church should be after our Equipping Event." -- Fr. Charlie, Pastor, Austin, TX
“Bart loves the Holy Spirit - hands down. His dependence on, trust in, and willingness to be led by the Spirit in his conferences and talks has greatly influenced my priesthood, particularly as I begin meetings, homilies, or difficult situations in ministry. I use the prayer he prayed, 'The Holy Spirit comes where He is loved... invited....expected' (St Bonaventure), and I move forward in confidence, knowing the Spirit is with me." -- Fr. Paul, Pastor, NC
"The power of the Holy Spirit is something that we hear about, and that we read about in the gospels. Most of the time we marvel at God’s deeds and healing mercy. However, we could be living that reality as mere spectators and not as main actors in our daily lives. We too, like the first disciples, have the gift of healing through intercession. We can invoke the Holy Spirit and work miracles in people… I thank Bart Schuchts for his ministry, for guiding us to a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, for teaching us how to intercede and pray for our neighbor, and for leading us to a greater experience of God." -- Fr Miguel LC, Mexico
"Bart Schuchts has been instrumental in the transformation of my life.... He wants nothing more than for all people to live their true identity fearlessly and freely as beloved sons and daughters of our good, good Father. His passion and fire for this mission has opened up my own heart to healing, freedom, and the adventure of being who I am called to be. I pray expectantly and trustingly that Bart's life and mission will continue to help the Church be the beautiful bride that She is, knowing that Christ and His priests are fighting for Her." -- Fr. Craig, Diocese of Lincoln, NE
"God guides the right people to enter the different seasons of our life at the right time.... I have come to know Bart as an encouraging, prophetic voice teaching me to lean more fully into the gifts God has entrusted to me through baptism, confirmation, and priesthood. I have come to identify more fully with the desire of the Father’s heart for the springtime of the Church. I have come away from each event with renewed hope, learning how to correspond to the Holy Spirit's work in and through me, and through others I work with in ministry." -- Fr Brian, LC, Cupertino, CA
“...Equipping for Ministry retreat gave me all I have hoped for, but that's God's way. I received abundant personal healing and learned how to bring it to others. It transformed how I hear confessions and counsel people. I recommend it heartily to priests young and old (I'm 59) and to anyone who can participate in John Paul II Center's events." -- Fr Steve, Lincoln NE
"Thank you, Jesus, for the gifted team of ministers that bring your tender, healing touch to the lives of your people. In a special way, I am very grateful for the ministry of Bart Schuchts, who through his ministry of listening to me, witnessing your work in his own life, proclaiming your word of truth and love to my heart, and praying for my healing, helped me experience the love of the Father and enter into his life-giving and healing embrace at a time when I was suspicious of that love and especially of that embrace. Now I am able to let God love me in the deep, dark, wounded places of my heart and to help others to allow Jesus to enter those very places in their own hearts. I continue to reap the graces of that encounter. Thank you, Jesus." -- Fr. Curtis, MC, Kenya, Africa
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